Saturday, January 9, 2016

Steven Bomb 4: Brief Notes

This post is here in lieu of a series of reaction posts for the individual episodes in Steven’s Birthday Week. I’m planning on using it for reference when working on new theory posts for Steven Universe.
  • Ruby and Sapphire
    •    Sapphire was a member of nobility, and her future vision was valued by her diamond, Blue Diamond
    •  Before meeting Ruby, Sapphire was even more resigned to fate
    •    Sapphire’s future vision before fusing with Ruby only showed one path. It’s not clear if fusing with Ruby or reflecting on Ruby’s actions when confronted by Pearl caused this change
    •   Rubies are common gems that serve as bodyguards and possibly foot soldiers
    •    Rubies seem to have a uniform
  • Garnet
    • Her appearance was a lot more mixed between Ruby and Sapphire's traits when she first formed
    • Ruby and Sapphire’s fusing has always been quick and simple. The dances seem to be for show or perhaps to help meditate on the fusion form
    • Ruby and Sapphire spend so much time fused that between the flashbacks in “The Answer” and now that they and Garnet know what Garnet is supposed to look like
    • Garnet connected surprisingly well with Peridot and may be the Crystal Gem that Peridot is closest to
    •  Garnet may have been the first fusing of two different gem types
  • Steven
    •   Because of his relationship with Connie, Steven is interested in both a human life and gem life
    •  Steven’s status as a new creation seems to cause some discomfort for him because of the unknowns
    • Steven’s really emotionally invested in trusting people
    •  He views fun as something necessary to make life living
    •  Music comes fairly naturally to him
  • Peridot
    • Very much indoctrinated in Homeworld ideas, which is going to make being a Crystal Gem hurt for a while
    • Highly values logic and completion
    • Really needs to work on her social skills (why doesn’t she just ask Greg if he can fly?)
    •  Learning really motivates her to interact with people
    • She wants to be viewed as funny by Amethyst and seems to want Pearl to view her as fancy
  • Pearl
    •  At the start of the rebellion, she dual-wielded swords instead of using her spear, so she may not have learned how to summon a spear until later
    • Viewed as very ferocious by Homeworld during the rebellion, probably because a warrior Pearl was such an unusual concept
    • Seems to be the least attached to Peridot because she wasn't as upset about Peridot's betrayal as Amethyst and Steven did
  • Amethyst
    • No one seems to fully grasp her insecurities about the Kindergarten
    •  Really enjoys joking around with Peridot and views her as a friend
  • Lion
    • Has the disposition of an overgrown house cat
    •  His Lion Warps seem to be influenced by physical distance
  • The Diamonds
    • Yellow Diamond really hates Earth. Maybe she took Rose’s rebellion personally
    •  Peridot’s indoctrination to Yellow Diamond involved her viewing Yellow Diamond as the paradigm of traits that she valued the most
    • Sapphire and most likely Lapis Lazuli were part of Blue Diamond’s court. Both are the two gems most resigned two their fate
    • Blue Diamond’s Pearl seems a lot more passive than the Crystal Gem Pearl and Yellow Diamond’s Pearl
    • Blue Diamond herself may be relatively passive and prone to leaving things up to fate
  • Gems in General
    • Shapeshifting and stretching require a lot of energy
    •  Gem’s bodies automatically adjust to changes in gravity
    • Gems don’t use fabric
    • All Pearls and Rubies shown have the same shape/cut for their gem, but different placements

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