Sunday, October 18, 2015

Steven Universe: Homeworld Hierarchy

There’s a slight change of pace. I’ve still got plenty of ideas for RWBY posts. I just wanted to do something because I really loved the episode “Too Far,” which has fantastic character development, even by the high standards of Steven Universe, and some intriguing bits of world building.

I should preface this with the fact that geology is one of my areas of geekdom, especially when it comes to gemstones, so I may be using more science than other Steven Universe theories. Future posts are especially in danger of this. On the capitalization, I capitalize gems when referring to a specific character, but not when referring to that group of gem. The word gem is capitalized when referring to the race in Steven Universe, but not real world gems.

My basic premise is that Homeworld runs on a caste society, and that system is based real world mineralogy. The caste system contributes to the hatred of fusions. There may have been a way to get an honorary position into a higher caste, but that was likely abolished after Rose Quartz rebelled.

Popular fanon believes that Renaldo is somewhat on point with his Diamond Authority conspiracy, and the rulers of Homeworld are the diamonds. Before the war for Earth, there were images four diamonds in Gem art: white, blue, yellow, and pink. The Homeworld ship used by Peridot shows only three diamonds: white, blue, and yellow. A gem called Yellow Diamond is Peridot’s commanding officer. Yellow Diamond, if she isn’t the lead diamond, is in charge of the section of space that Earth is in, since a yellow figure is shown in a mural of the Gem’s war on Earth, most likely as the leader of the Homeworld forces.

Popular theory states that Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond. This could explain why there was no attempt to find a new Pink Diamond. Rose has some abilities that don’t seem standard for a warrior. Her summoned weapon is a shield; she has healing tears, and she can make warriors from plant life. Amethyst and Jasper have not displayed these abilities (although this could be because Amethyst is overcooked and relatively young, while Jasper is very focused on physical strength), so Rose Quartz might be far stronger than the average quartz, possibly other rose quartz, because she can function as a healer and commander of her own non-Gem army. This could’ve earned her promotion to the status of Pink Diamond.

Next is the quartz warrior class. Although Peridot had been working on Earth for a while, and Lapis had been forced to stay on Earth for even longer, command was given to Jasper who might not have been to Earth since the war with the Crystal Gems, if ever. The theory I proposed in the above paragraph could’ve given Rose fame throughout Gem society as the most powerful quartz, so Jasper wouldn’t necessarily have fought on Earth to hear about Rose’s prowess. To me, this is a sign that warriors are a higher class. Of course, Jasper also probably has more battle experience than Lapis and Peridot, so that could’ve been a deciding factor too.

Homeworld seems to be an intergalactic imperialist power, so for the conquering they do, they’d need a lot of warriors, and those warriors would be well respected, as shown when Peridot was ecstatic that Amethyst thought that she was funny and was much more upset about hurting Amethyst’s feelings than the other Crystal Gems combined.

Interestingly, the sardonyx gem is a type of quartz. This means that fusion can give Gems a chance to change social groups, which could be a factor in why Homeworld doesn’t like fulltime fusions, because they have the potential to make a pearl on par with a quartz without the approval of the Diamond Authority.

Next is heading into a lot less substantial territory. Scientists like Peridot are probably another class. Another class I propose is an elemental ability class composed of Gems such as Ruby, Sapphire, and Lapis Lazuli. This is a less stable theory. Ruby and sapphire are variations of the gem corundum and lapis lazuli is a variation of lazurite, so this doesn’t have the same cohesiveness as the quartz warrior class. Plus, while Lapis’s skills are based on manipulating water, Sapphire and Ruby have skills besides that, such as Sapphire’s super speed and future sight or Ruby’s strength and weapon summon.

I think the proposed elemental class Gems would be above the scientist Gems. The elementals have a stronger source of power than the scientists, and Peridot’s comment in “Back to the Barn” about a peridot having a pearl suggests that the science class is lower, so possibly one or more classes below quartzes. Granted, based on the kindergarten, it seems likely that warriors are mass produced at times, so it could be a very large class, and since I’m making them second highest, they may just take up the majority of pearls.

Pearls and other Gems that contain a mix of organic material and minerals (petrified wood, for example) work as personal servants. This may also contain materials like glass and obsidian, that aren’t minerals per say but are sometimes considered gemstones. Alternatively, they could be a lower class.

Most likely because of the severe discrimination against Garnet and Pearl, the Crystal Gems do not practice this. There is still a clear hierarchy based on experience, which implies that Garnet (or maybe Ruby and Sapphire individually) is either older or fought in the war longer than Pearl.

Other Steven Universe analysis that I’m interested:
  • Potential fusion analysis
  • Character analysis
  • Real life gem properties and Steven Universe
  • The Crystal Gems during the War
  • Gem mass
  • Guesses about how weapon summons are determined (emphasis on guesses)

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